I thought Secret Recipe originated from Singapore. I saw one near our hotel in Kuala Lumpur, and I believed it was a branch since the chain was widespread in South-East Asia, and there were four stores in the Philippines. Just a few days ago, I learned that it was established and common in Malaysia.
Secret Recipe serves fusion food (Thai, Singaporean, Malaysian) and offers a great selection of cakes and pastries. Although a 'common' restaurant in Malaysia (as described by a store manager), the appeal in the Philippine setting is more of a semi-high-end, lifestyle, cozy restaurant/cafe -- in the same manner that Starbucks is a social hang-out place in Metro Manila but is actually a 'common' coffee shop in the United States. (Photo: Secret Recipe menu)
Mom and I frequent Secret Recipe - Global City branch because of its proximity to St. Luke's Global City (where Mom usually has her ophthalmologic and head-and-neck check-ups) and NU-U Asia Center for Dermatology & Cosmetic Dentistry (Mom's vanity and beauty haven). The photo shows the two of us satiating ourselves with the delicious entree and/or dessert in Secret Recipe on four different occasions. All four photos were taken right after Mom's check-up from the two medical centers.
Clockwise from upper left. (1) Mom's favorite -- fish and chips, and moist chocolate cake. (2) Chocolate chip walnut, white chocolate macadamia, strawberry frosty yogurt shake and ice blended mocha espresso. (3) Fish and chips -- I told you it's Mom's favorite, and Japanese soba. (4) Chocolate fudge, lemon cheese cake, and their own blend of iced lemon tea.